class documentation

class Card(object):

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Card class.

Method __eq__ Return True if self==other (same reader and same atr). Return False otherwise.
Method __hash__ Returns a hash value for this object (str(self) is unique).
Method __init__ Card constructor.
Method __ne__ Return True if self!=other (same reader and same atr).Returns False otherwise.
Method __repr__ Return a string representing the Card (atr and reader concatenation).
Method createConnection Return a CardConnection to the Card object.
Instance Variable atr Undocumented
Instance Variable reader Undocumented
def __eq__(self, other):

Return True if self==other (same reader and same atr). Return False otherwise.

def __hash__(self):

Returns a hash value for this object (str(self) is unique).

def __init__(self, reader, atr):

Card constructor.

readerreader in which the card is inserted
atrATR of the card
def __ne__(self, other):

Return True if self!=other (same reader and same atr).Returns False otherwise.

def __repr__(self):

Return a string representing the Card (atr and reader concatenation).

def createConnection(self):

Return a CardConnection to the Card object.

atr =


reader =
