class documentation

class __CardMonitorSingleton(Observable):

View In Hierarchy

The real smart card monitor class.

A single instance of this class is created by the public CardMonitor class.

Method __init__ Undocumented
Method __str__ Undocumented
Method addObserver Add an observer.
Method deleteObserver Remove an observer.
Instance Variable rmthread Undocumented

Inherited from Observable:

Method clearChanged Undocumented
Method countObservers Undocumented
Method deleteObservers Undocumented
Method hasChanged Undocumented
Method notifyObservers If 'changed' indicates that this object has changed, notify all its observers, then call clearChanged(). Each observer has its update() called with two arguments: this observable object and the generic 'arg'.
Method setChanged Undocumented
Instance Variable changed Undocumented
Instance Variable obs Undocumented

Inherited from Synchronization (via Observable):

Instance Variable mutex Undocumented
def __init__(self):
def __str__(self):


def addObserver(self, observer):

Add an observer.

We only start the card monitoring thread when there are observers.

def deleteObserver(self, observer):

Remove an observer.

We delete the CardMonitoringThread reference when there are no more observers.

rmthread =
