class documentation

This decorator uses SCardBeginTransaction/SCardEndTransaction to preserve other processes of threads to access the card during transmit().

Method __init__ Construct a new card connection decorator.
Method lock Lock card with SCardBeginTransaction.
Method transmit Gain exclusive access to card during APDU transmission for if this decorator decorates a PCSCCardConnection.
Method unlock Unlock card with SCardEndTransaction.

Inherited from CardConnectionDecorator:

Method addObserver call inner component addObserver
Method addSWExceptionToFilter call inner component addSWExceptionToFilter
Method connect call inner component connect
Method control call inner component control
Method deleteObserver call inner component deleteObserver
Method disconnect call inner component disconnect
Method getATR call inner component getATR
Method getAttrib call inner component getAttrib
Method getProtocol call inner component getProtocol
Method getReader call inner component getReader
Method reconnect call inner component reconnect
Method setErrorCheckingChain call inner component setErrorCheckingChain
Method setProtocol call inner component setProtocol
Instance Variable component Undocumented

Inherited from CardConnection (via CardConnectionDecorator):

Method __del__ Connect to card.
Method __enter__ Enter the runtime context.
Method __exit__ Exit the runtime context trying to disconnect.
Method doControl Performs the command control.
Method doGetAttrib Performs the command get attrib.
Method doTransmit Performs the command APDU transmission.
Class Variable RAW_protocol protocol RAW (direct access to the reader)
Class Variable T0_protocol protocol T=0
Class Variable T15_protocol protocol T=15
Class Variable T1_protocol protocol T=1
Instance Variable defaultprotocol see setProtocol and getProtocol
Instance Variable errorcheckingchain see setErrorCheckingChain
Instance Variable reader reader name

Inherited from Observable (via CardConnectionDecorator, CardConnection):

Method clearChanged Undocumented
Method countObservers Undocumented
Method deleteObservers Undocumented
Method hasChanged Undocumented
Method notifyObservers If 'changed' indicates that this object has changed, notify all its observers, then call clearChanged(). Each observer has its update() called with two arguments: this observable object and the generic 'arg'.
Method setChanged Undocumented
Instance Variable changed Undocumented
Instance Variable obs Undocumented

Inherited from Synchronization (via CardConnectionDecorator, CardConnection, Observable):

Instance Variable mutex Undocumented
def __init__(self, cardconnection):

Construct a new card connection decorator.

CardConnectionComponent: CardConnection component to decorate

def lock(self):

Lock card with SCardBeginTransaction.

def transmit(self, command, protocol=None):

Gain exclusive access to card during APDU transmission for if this decorator decorates a PCSCCardConnection.

def unlock(self):

Unlock card with SCardEndTransaction.