class documentation

class ISO7816_9ErrorChecker(ErrorChecker):

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ISO7816-8 error checker.

This error checker raises the following exceptions:

  • sw1 sw2
  • 62 82 WarningProcessingException
  • 64 00 ExecutionErrorException
  • 69 82 CheckingErrorException
  • 6A 80,84,89,8A CheckingErrorException

This checker does not raise exceptions on undefined sw1 values, e.g.:

  • sw1 sw2
  • 63 any
  • 6F any

and on undefined sw2 values, e.g.:

  • sw1 sw2
  • 62 81 83
  • 64 any except 00

Use another checker in the error checking chain, e.g., the ISO7816_4_SW1ErrorChecker or ISO7816_4ErrorChecker, to raise exceptions on these undefined values.

Method __call__ Called to test data, sw1 and sw2 for error.
def __call__(self, data, sw1, sw2):

Called to test data, sw1 and sw2 for error.

Derived classes must raise a smartcard.sw.SWExceptions upon error.

dataapdu response data
sw1apdu data status word 1
sw2apdu data status word 2