class documentation

class SimpleSCardAppFrame(wx.Frame):

View In Hierarchy

The main frame of the simple smartcard application.

Method __init__ Constructor. Creates the frame with two panels:
Method OnCloseFrame Called when frame is closed, i.e. on wx.EVT_CLOSE
Method OnExit Called when frame application exits.
Method OnReaderComboBox Called when the user activates a reader in the toolbar combo box.
Instance Variable apdutracerpanel Undocumented
Instance Variable toolbar Undocumented
Instance Variable treeuserpanel Undocumented
def __init__(self, appname, apppanelclass, appstyle, appicon, pos=(-1, -1), size=(-1, -1)):

Constructor. Creates the frame with two panels:

  • the left-hand panel is holding the smartcard and/or reader tree
  • the right-hand panel is holding the application dialog
appnamename of the application
apppanelclassthe class of the panel to instantiate in the SimpleSCardAppFrame

a combination of the following styles (bitwise or |)

  • TR_SMARTCARD: display a smartcard tree panel
  • TR_READER: display a reader tree panel
  • TB_SMARTCARD: display a smartcard toolbar
  • TB_SMARTCARD: display a reader toolbar
  • PANEL_APDUTRACER: display an APDU tracer panel
  • default is TR_DEFAULT = TR_SMARTCARD
posthe application position as a (x,y) tupple; default is (-1,-1)
sizethe application window size as a (x,y) tuple; default is (-1,-1)
def OnCloseFrame(self, evt):

Called when frame is closed, i.e. on wx.EVT_CLOSE

def OnExit(self, evt):

Called when frame application exits.

def OnReaderComboBox(self, event):

Called when the user activates a reader in the toolbar combo box.

apdutracerpanel =


toolbar =


treeuserpanel =
